The Law of Allowing

Allow others to be who they are, to do what they do and to have what
they have. Do not judge them and do not have emotional attachments and
expectations of them. They are what, who and how they are. If that is
different to who, what and how you are, so be it. Accept, honour,
respect, allow and support who YOU are. Accept, honour, respect, allow
and support who they are.
Honour their right to live their life as they choose, to worship their
perception of God as they want to, or not to worship if that be their
choice. They are neither right nor wrong. They simply "are" what they
are. Given where they are standing right now, their conditioning, their
beliefs, their circumstances, their present needs and desires, their
choice to be "just are" can be understood if you allow yourself to stand
in their shoes. Do not judge, simply allow YOU to be YOU and allow
them to be the Beings that they "just are". Release them in love and
allow them to be.
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