Prior to your first session, we go over the feelings you may have experienced in the recent past and the issues you would like to work with.
At your first session, we will begin a dialogue about your priority issue and what approach we might take. We discuss how your life would be different without this issue.
You will be introduced to muscle testing and how it works. Any and all information that is gathered in session is done through muscle testing and comes from your body and its unconscious response to stress.
Muscle testing allows you not only to be the best authority on your issue, but also allows your body to choose what is right for you every step of the way. You will understand more about this process through experiencing a session.
After you are comfortable with muscle testing, you will do some specific corrections (i.e.: breathing, proper hydration, correct energy flow) that prepare both your body and your mind for new awareness.
Using the The Behavioral Barometer™ we will identify the stressors and behaviours, based on past learning and experience, that limit you from making life-serving choices for yourself today.
You will gain awareness about the beliefs that prevent you from actualizing your purpose, creating the life you want, being the person you want to be and living in better overall health on all levels (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual).
In the session you will make changes on the brain/cellular level through techniques based on neuroplasticity (brain re-mapping), with new self-talk and hands on physical and energetic corrections.
Once the corrections are made and new choices identified, you will leave the session with a different perspective on your issue. You will gain tools/corrections to implement and practice in order to ensure the changes continue when you leave. That is when you integrate the work into your life.
Sessions are given in a calm and comfortable environment. Sometimes you may work seated in a chair, standing or moving around the room, depending on what is needed at the time.
For more please click here!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
What does a session look like?
Energetic corrections,
Muscle testing,
New perspective,
The Behavioral Barometer™
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Imagination (Neale)
Imagination is your greatest gift. Do not be afraid to use it. Imagine yourself as being okay right now. Totally okay. Imagine yourself as Whole, Complete, and Perfect. With nothing to change, nothing to "improve." Can you imagine this?
Neale Donald Walsch
Friday, December 6, 2013
Heaven is an Attitude (Warren Stagg)
Here is a poem from Warren Stagg's first book: Heaven is an Attitude Vol.# 1
A Glimpse of Beauty
I love my self because I’m me;
The only one who can really see.
What I really need within my soul;
So I can accomplish my earthly goal.
When I examine the way I feel;
And accept in my heart its no big deal,
I’ve learned from others that life is hard;
And I need to be constantly on my guard.
I must protect myself from the pitfalls of life;
That brings me nothing but sorrow and strife.
And so I’ve watched the world pass by;
And watched the people moan and cry.
Then I thought this is absurd;
They haven’t listened to the spiritual word,
They‘re looking for the Darkness not the light;
It seems to be everywhere not just at night.
I said to myself while inside looking;
This world is a pot of Wisdom cooking,
Cooking up lessons in my daily life;
So I can learn to transform misery and strife.
Into something, an idea, not really new;
Spirit all is spirit, Spirit is all there is;
No matter whose form it takes;
Be it yours or his or hers.
All that I need to do to make it all work;
Is to take care of myself and stop being a jerk!
If we are created as part of it all;
Then its time to stop complaining and make living a ball.
Knowing now in my every cell;
That it all up to me to make my life Heaven or Hell.
The responsibility for my life, the way I perceive;
Is always controlled by what I believe,
I need to examine what others have said;
To see how much from them is stuffed in my head.
I’ll then have a choice to respond in a new way;
To life’s constant challenges that come everyday,
These changes I make will then lead me to see;
The beautiful things I’m doing for me.
I now begin each day with love in my heart;
Please believe me when I say, it’s a wonderful start.
Now Existence smiles and showers me with love;
As I learn to create a world here, like the one up above.
This isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning
Vol.# 1And accept in my heart its no big deal,
I’ve learned from others that life is hard;
And I need to be constantly on my guard.
I must protect myself from the pitfalls of life;
That brings me nothing but sorrow and strife.
And so I’ve watched the world pass by;
And watched the people moan and cry.
Then I thought this is absurd;
They haven’t listened to the spiritual word,
They‘re looking for the Darkness not the light;
It seems to be everywhere not just at night.
I said to myself while inside looking;
This world is a pot of Wisdom cooking,
Cooking up lessons in my daily life;
So I can learn to transform misery and strife.
Into something, an idea, not really new;
Spirit all is spirit, Spirit is all there is;
No matter whose form it takes;
Be it yours or his or hers.
All that I need to do to make it all work;
Is to take care of myself and stop being a jerk!
If we are created as part of it all;
Then its time to stop complaining and make living a ball.
Knowing now in my every cell;
That it all up to me to make my life Heaven or Hell.
The responsibility for my life, the way I perceive;
Is always controlled by what I believe,
I need to examine what others have said;
To see how much from them is stuffed in my head.
I’ll then have a choice to respond in a new way;
To life’s constant challenges that come everyday,
These changes I make will then lead me to see;
The beautiful things I’m doing for me.
I now begin each day with love in my heart;
Please believe me when I say, it’s a wonderful start.
Now Existence smiles and showers me with love;
As I learn to create a world here, like the one up above.
This isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning
A Glimpse of Beauty
I love my self because I’m me;
The only one who can really see.
What I really need within my soul;
So I can accomplish my earthly goal.
When I examine the way I feel;
And accept in my heart its no big deal,
I’ve learned from others that life is hard;
And I need to be constantly on my guard.
I must protect myself from the pitfalls of life;
That brings me nothing but sorrow and strife.
And so I’ve watched the world pass by;
And watched the people moan and cry.
Then I thought this is absurd;
They haven’t listened to the spiritual word,
They‘re looking for the Darkness not the light;
It seems to be everywhere not just at night.
I said to myself while inside looking;
This world is a pot of Wisdom cooking,
Cooking up lessons in my daily life;
So I can learn to transform misery and strife.
Into something, an idea, not really new;
Spirit all is spirit, Spirit is all there is;
No matter whose form it takes;
Be it yours or his or hers.
All that I need to do to make it all work;
Is to take care of myself and stop being a jerk!
If we are created as part of it all;
Then its time to stop complaining and make living a ball.
Knowing now in my every cell;
That it all up to me to make my life Heaven or Hell.
The responsibility for my life, the way I perceive;
Is always controlled by what I believe,
I need to examine what others have said;
To see how much from them is stuffed in my head.
I’ll then have a choice to respond in a new way;
To life’s constant challenges that come everyday,
These changes I make will then lead me to see;
The beautiful things I’m doing for me.
I now begin each day with love in my heart;
Please believe me when I say, it’s a wonderful start.
Now Existence smiles and showers me with love;
As I learn to create a world here, like the one up above.
This isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning
And accept in my heart its no big deal,
I’ve learned from others that life is hard;
And I need to be constantly on my guard.
I must protect myself from the pitfalls of life;
That brings me nothing but sorrow and strife.
And so I’ve watched the world pass by;
And watched the people moan and cry.
Then I thought this is absurd;
They haven’t listened to the spiritual word,
They‘re looking for the Darkness not the light;
It seems to be everywhere not just at night.
I said to myself while inside looking;
This world is a pot of Wisdom cooking,
Cooking up lessons in my daily life;
So I can learn to transform misery and strife.
Into something, an idea, not really new;
Spirit all is spirit, Spirit is all there is;
No matter whose form it takes;
Be it yours or his or hers.
All that I need to do to make it all work;
Is to take care of myself and stop being a jerk!
If we are created as part of it all;
Then its time to stop complaining and make living a ball.
Knowing now in my every cell;
That it all up to me to make my life Heaven or Hell.
The responsibility for my life, the way I perceive;
Is always controlled by what I believe,
I need to examine what others have said;
To see how much from them is stuffed in my head.
I’ll then have a choice to respond in a new way;
To life’s constant challenges that come everyday,
These changes I make will then lead me to see;
The beautiful things I’m doing for me.
I now begin each day with love in my heart;
Please believe me when I say, it’s a wonderful start.
Now Existence smiles and showers me with love;
As I learn to create a world here, like the one up above.
This isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning
Thursday, November 28, 2013
The Goal of Sessions
(with gentleness, accuracy and efficiency)
To defuse stress and self doubt.
To bring awareness and healing to the workings of your body, mind and emotions.
To explore, understand and defuse the root cause of your mental, emotional, physical stressors and illness patterns that affect communication, relationships,
work, learning, behaviour and life.
To discover the issues from childhood that limit your options as an adult.
To win back more of your authority and its inner power.
To create choice where no choice seems to exist.
To restore the energy it takes to create the life you want.
For more please click here!
Defusing stress,
Session. Goal,
Monday, November 4, 2013
Allowing to be imperfect (Neale) is sometimes shown in the things you don't
say, don't keep track of and don't notice.
The greatest kindness is often shown in letting things go.
None of us is perfect, but we can all be perfect friends
and perfect parters by allowing those that we love tobe imperfect.
Give those around you the "break" that you hope the
world will give you on your own "bad day" and you'll
never, ever regret it.
Love, Your Friend....
Monday, October 28, 2013
Structure Function/Behavioural Genetics
Who - do you think- has more self confidence? |
functions and behaviours. These behaviours can be seen as our ability, our strengths, our advantage, our purpose and always a delicious lesson. How we are structured is directly related to how we function and therefore how we instinctively behave and respond to the world around us.
While Structure/Function inclines us to a behaviour, it does not guarantee that we will do that behaviour, as we may have either turned down, turned up, or turned off a behaviour in order to cope or survive in a past or present situation. We may have experienced a clash, we may not have fit in, we may have been told that 'we shouldn't act that way.'
When we understand our behavioural traits, our instinctive individuality, the better we can assimilate the lessons these traits can teach us about ourselves and others. And once we can understand and appreciate our own
instinctive individuality, we can more easily live at our best while honouring and
understanding the unique individuality of others. This improves and deepens our
relationships, self to self, self to others and others to self.
Three in One Concepts was developed by Gordon Stokes and Daniel Whiteside.
For more information please go to:
Related articles you can find here!
Behavioural Genetics,
Structure Function
Sunday, October 6, 2013
A trip around the world with a smile on your face
There ARE happy people out there. Not everyone is fighting and killing.
Please click here to see the video!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Yes and no (Paulo Coelho)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Decide what you want !
"Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you."
Jack Canfield
Monday, July 8, 2013
The best mantra
Thursday, June 27, 2013
The Behavioral Barometer™
![]() |
The Behavioral Barometer™ |
These feelings, emotions and behaviours are unique to you and give you a deeper understanding of what you do, why you do it and what you believe to be true on a given issue. Beyond representing feelings, emotions and behaviours, the Barometer embodies the vibrations around your issue on a conscious, subconscious and body level. It is a road map of the truth we perceived as children, how we dealt with it as adolescents and what we are dealing with now as adults.
As a cognitive tool, the Barometer helps us make connections to understand what is preventing us from going for what we want. It teaches us how our emotions are helpful in attaining what we want and how we might choose behaviours that are more effective in reaching our goals. It allows us to consider possible options for new courses of action and behaviour.
For more please click here!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I can do that! (Warren Stagg)
"Isn't it interesting that we spend so much time looking at life as a difficult struggle instead of a creative challenge.
Every time we figure out how to handle the task before us we get wiser and stronger. It was a blessing in disguise we benefited from the experience.
When we choose to change 'Why me?' to 'I can do that!' we invite solutions, we increase our power with a Yes and decrease it with an Oh NO! We are never given a challenge we can't find a solution for problems have built in solutions we just have to have a positive approach and know that the 'I AM' is capable of anything it believes it can do."
Warren Stagg
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Law of Allowing
Allow others to be who they are, to do what they do and to have what
they have. Do not judge them and do not have emotional attachments and
expectations of them. They are what, who and how they are. If that is
different to who, what and how you are, so be it. Accept, honour,
respect, allow and support who YOU are. Accept, honour, respect, allow
and support who they are.
Honour their right to live their life as they choose, to worship their
perception of God as they want to, or not to worship if that be their
choice. They are neither right nor wrong. They simply "are" what they
are. Given where they are standing right now, their conditioning, their
beliefs, their circumstances, their present needs and desires, their
choice to be "just are" can be understood if you allow yourself to stand
in their shoes. Do not judge, simply allow YOU to be YOU and allow
them to be the Beings that they "just are". Release them in love and
allow them to be.
For more please visti
Friday, May 17, 2013
To get what you want, stop idealizing it! (Chris Cade)
A while back I posted on Facebook the
following thought of mine:
"If you want to manifest your heart's desires, stop idealizing them. The more you idealize anything, the more you separate yourself from it."
After posting that, I got a LOT of comments from people who wanted me to clarify what I meant. Some people were confused... after all, "how can we get what we want if we don't idealize it?" some people wondered.
And my good friend Jody wrote, "I can't help but idealize enlightenment ;-)"
I wrote myself a note that when the time was right, I'd finally speak further on the topic... and that time has come. Let's start with a few definitions of the word "idealize..."
"Exalted to an ideal perfection or excellence"
"A portrayal of something as ideal"
"To regard something as ideal"
"Something that exists only as an idea"
When I read those definitions, a few things really stand out to me. The first three definitions point to an image of perfection... they suggest that there is always "something better" we can aspire to. That idea can be both helpful and hurtful in our path of personal development.
It can be helpful when we use it as a POINTER to look inwards at why we feel something is misaligned... it can help us inquire within ourselves about how we are not integrated with the True nature of who we are.
However, it can also be VERY detrimental to your development. The negative element of that is the Inner Critic who suggests "the grass is always greener on the other side," and if you've ever actually gone over the metaphorical fence, you've probably discovered that isn't always true.
When we continue to believe there's always something better than what we have, we get stuck in a LACK mentality.
Think about that for a moment.
We're not usually consciously aware of this, but it's very simple. The sheer premise that what you have is not good enough is LACK. And if you've been studying the Law of Attraction, then you'll quickly put it together that associating with a sense of lack is the quickest way to AVOID getting what you want and staying stuck where you are.
So at the very least, by idealizing what you want (whether it's financial abundance, the perfect relationship, the big house, or even enlightenment), what you're really doing is moving into LACK and separating yourself from the very thing you want.
Now let's look at the last definition, which I find particularly interesting...
"Something that exists only as an idea."
Taking this one step further, that means that whatever we idealize DOES NOT EXIST except in our minds... except as an idea. Since YOU exist and the idea does not exist, you are by definition separating yourself from the very thing you want!
The process of idealization forces us to live either in the past or future... not in our present. And again if there's one thing we've learned from the Law of Attraction, it's that being PRESENT and in a positive emotional and spiritual state is how we attract what we want in our lives.
Therefore, it stands to reason that if we WANT something, the best way we can get it is to not idealize it. Rather than see your idealized goal as something you don't have (i.e. as separate from you), it's important to let go of the idealization.
It's important to let go of what the goal "means" to you... To let go of how this "one thing will change your life forever..." and to let go of the belief that all your dreams will come true "some day."
So how do you do this?
1. Next time you find yourself wishing for something better, remember to change your focus. Instead of focusing on what you don't have (what you are idealizing), instead tune into your heart and focus on what you have that you are grateful for.
2. Remember that whatever you idealize is an IDEA that does not yet exist.
Instead, focus on BECOMING in alignment with things that do exist... with what is REAL in your life. #1 points to this, and you can do it by practicing being present.
All that exists, quite literally, is in the present moment. That's the space in which you manifest all that you want... because it's no longer your mind projecting into the future its "ideal" wants, but rather, in the present moment your heart and soul will speak to you and tell you what IT truly wants to be happy.
(and the heart and mind are not always in agreement)
3. I highly recommend some form of meditation.
And while some meditations are more effective for specific purposes than other meditations, generally speaking as long as you're devoting some time each day to meditation you will manifest MUCH FASTER AND MORE EFFECTIVELY than if you are not meditating.
4. Practice some sort of physical movement each day.
Physical movement - whether it's exercise, Tai Chi or Yoga, or simply playing with kids - will bring you into the present moment and immediately raise your energetic vibration. It pulls you out of the "lack" mentality of idealizing your wants and desires, and instead brings you instantly into what is true in the moment.
See, what most people don't realize is that our bodies know MUCH more about manifesting than our minds do.
This is partly due to the fact that the heart is such a powerful magnetic force... in fact, according to the Institute of Heartmath, the heart literally is 5000 times more electromagnetic than the brain.
And modern science is just now beginning to explore what sages have known for centuries: That the heart has its own intelligence center capable of providing us important information and making purposeful and effective decisions.
The other reason our bodies are important for manifestation is because they ARE the vehicle by which we manifest. Without a body, we couldn't manifest here as humans on earth. Sounds kind of silly when you think of it that way, but really - if you don't take care of this body, if you don't LIVE in it and use it... how can you expect it to manifest amazing things in your life?
So to get what you want, stop making it sound so super amazing - like it'll solve your problems and make things better. What you want is here and now, just waiting to be discovered within yourself.
YOU already are the gift you've been wanting to receive all your life.
If you haven't already, consider joining my 24-week subconscious transformational program, Liberate Your Life, so you can experience this truth for yourself:
Click Here Now And Join Liberate Your Life
Your Partner In Transformation,
Chris Cade
"If you want to manifest your heart's desires, stop idealizing them. The more you idealize anything, the more you separate yourself from it."
After posting that, I got a LOT of comments from people who wanted me to clarify what I meant. Some people were confused... after all, "how can we get what we want if we don't idealize it?" some people wondered.
And my good friend Jody wrote, "I can't help but idealize enlightenment ;-)"
I wrote myself a note that when the time was right, I'd finally speak further on the topic... and that time has come. Let's start with a few definitions of the word "idealize..."
"Exalted to an ideal perfection or excellence"
"A portrayal of something as ideal"
"To regard something as ideal"
"Something that exists only as an idea"
When I read those definitions, a few things really stand out to me. The first three definitions point to an image of perfection... they suggest that there is always "something better" we can aspire to. That idea can be both helpful and hurtful in our path of personal development.
It can be helpful when we use it as a POINTER to look inwards at why we feel something is misaligned... it can help us inquire within ourselves about how we are not integrated with the True nature of who we are.
However, it can also be VERY detrimental to your development. The negative element of that is the Inner Critic who suggests "the grass is always greener on the other side," and if you've ever actually gone over the metaphorical fence, you've probably discovered that isn't always true.
When we continue to believe there's always something better than what we have, we get stuck in a LACK mentality.
Think about that for a moment.
We're not usually consciously aware of this, but it's very simple. The sheer premise that what you have is not good enough is LACK. And if you've been studying the Law of Attraction, then you'll quickly put it together that associating with a sense of lack is the quickest way to AVOID getting what you want and staying stuck where you are.
So at the very least, by idealizing what you want (whether it's financial abundance, the perfect relationship, the big house, or even enlightenment), what you're really doing is moving into LACK and separating yourself from the very thing you want.
Now let's look at the last definition, which I find particularly interesting...
"Something that exists only as an idea."
Taking this one step further, that means that whatever we idealize DOES NOT EXIST except in our minds... except as an idea. Since YOU exist and the idea does not exist, you are by definition separating yourself from the very thing you want!
The process of idealization forces us to live either in the past or future... not in our present. And again if there's one thing we've learned from the Law of Attraction, it's that being PRESENT and in a positive emotional and spiritual state is how we attract what we want in our lives.
Therefore, it stands to reason that if we WANT something, the best way we can get it is to not idealize it. Rather than see your idealized goal as something you don't have (i.e. as separate from you), it's important to let go of the idealization.
It's important to let go of what the goal "means" to you... To let go of how this "one thing will change your life forever..." and to let go of the belief that all your dreams will come true "some day."
So how do you do this?
1. Next time you find yourself wishing for something better, remember to change your focus. Instead of focusing on what you don't have (what you are idealizing), instead tune into your heart and focus on what you have that you are grateful for.
2. Remember that whatever you idealize is an IDEA that does not yet exist.
Instead, focus on BECOMING in alignment with things that do exist... with what is REAL in your life. #1 points to this, and you can do it by practicing being present.
All that exists, quite literally, is in the present moment. That's the space in which you manifest all that you want... because it's no longer your mind projecting into the future its "ideal" wants, but rather, in the present moment your heart and soul will speak to you and tell you what IT truly wants to be happy.
(and the heart and mind are not always in agreement)
3. I highly recommend some form of meditation.
And while some meditations are more effective for specific purposes than other meditations, generally speaking as long as you're devoting some time each day to meditation you will manifest MUCH FASTER AND MORE EFFECTIVELY than if you are not meditating.
4. Practice some sort of physical movement each day.
Physical movement - whether it's exercise, Tai Chi or Yoga, or simply playing with kids - will bring you into the present moment and immediately raise your energetic vibration. It pulls you out of the "lack" mentality of idealizing your wants and desires, and instead brings you instantly into what is true in the moment.
See, what most people don't realize is that our bodies know MUCH more about manifesting than our minds do.
This is partly due to the fact that the heart is such a powerful magnetic force... in fact, according to the Institute of Heartmath, the heart literally is 5000 times more electromagnetic than the brain.
And modern science is just now beginning to explore what sages have known for centuries: That the heart has its own intelligence center capable of providing us important information and making purposeful and effective decisions.
The other reason our bodies are important for manifestation is because they ARE the vehicle by which we manifest. Without a body, we couldn't manifest here as humans on earth. Sounds kind of silly when you think of it that way, but really - if you don't take care of this body, if you don't LIVE in it and use it... how can you expect it to manifest amazing things in your life?
So to get what you want, stop making it sound so super amazing - like it'll solve your problems and make things better. What you want is here and now, just waiting to be discovered within yourself.
YOU already are the gift you've been wanting to receive all your life.
If you haven't already, consider joining my 24-week subconscious transformational program, Liberate Your Life, so you can experience this truth for yourself:
Click Here Now And Join Liberate Your Life
Your Partner In Transformation,
Chris Cade
Lesson Archive Online
Lesson 1: Charlie Brown Must Die (So You Can Live)
Lesson 2: Manufacturing Unproductive Human Beings
Lesson 3: Food, Sex, and Facebook
Lesson 4: Don't Blame Fred Flintstone
Lesson 5: Think Back To 100 BF (Before Facebook)
Lesson 6: Do You Get Bored Easily?
Lesson 1: Charlie Brown Must Die (So You Can Live)
Lesson 2: Manufacturing Unproductive Human Beings
Lesson 3: Food, Sex, and Facebook
Lesson 4: Don't Blame Fred Flintstone
Lesson 5: Think Back To 100 BF (Before Facebook)
Lesson 6: Do You Get Bored Easily?
Chris Cade,
Physical movement
Friday, May 10, 2013
How are you look like ?
Sunday, April 14, 2013
The free will
Every word, every action, every thought, every belief, every behavior has the potential to carry the energy of "love and good will" OR "fear and chaos".
Fear and chaos are not of the LIGHT. They are highly destructive forces that blind us from our truth, and keep us in our pain. However, these forces can be used by the LIGHT as catalysts to FORCE US into new ways of being and greater transformation.
We have the free will choice to utilize the energies of "love and good will" or "fear and chaos" is really up to us! During these very transformational times we are being asked to release the fear and chaos ~ within us and outside of us ~ so we can fully step into our garments of LIGHT.
The energies of support, rapid transformation and enlightenment are the strongest they have ever been.
NOW is the time to redeem ourselves. Everyday, and in every way be conscious of your aware of your inner workings and your intentions. Which energies are you aligned with? ~ Sabrina
ART BY: Shambhala in Modern Times by Tibetan artist Gonkar Gyatso. (MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON)
for more please visit:
The balance point (Warren Stagg)
Make no mistake, this balance point IS our new beginning. No bells, no
whistles, just peace. It is the fertile space of non-attachment, of pure
potentiality, thru which all is born anew. The unification of spirit
and matter, feminine and masculine, right brain and left, body and soul,
etc…this is the merger between heaven and earth, and it begins with us.
The unseens say that this
space is where we come from and return to, and it is the essence of
which will radically transform our lives and bodies. This is the energy
we have been waiting for and it is the energy we will be creating from.
Whatever you are desiring is contained within this energy…whatever you
have the courage to imagine, is in this energy. If you are not yet in
touch with it, you will be. Tune into the center of your brain and
notice the expansive silence in there. It’s subtle, but it’s there. If
you still don’t feel it, wait until the intensity of the moon subsides…I
give it the 3 day rule.
This energy is alive and its
non-moving at the same time. It’s not a thought and it’s not a feeling,
it’s outside of both those things….deeper and more profound. It’s not
blissful, but it could be. In fact, it can be anything. It feels, for
lack of a better word, like the space where possibility meets
capability. The divine clay I suppose.
This is the stuff our
new worlds are made of. It is simultaneously our new home and our new
playground…and this is just the tipping point, the infancy, the
beginning of the upward spiral of a whole new world to explore within.
Warren Stagg
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Problems you face today (Neale)
All the
problems you face today are going to go away, unless you worry them to stay.
Problems like worry. Worry is a magnet for them. If you just "let it
be," the current worrisome condition will not even be part of your life a
short time from now.
If you worry enough about it, however, you can be sure that it will stick around. So, just do your best around all this...then turn it over to God. Yes?
If you worry enough about it, however, you can be sure that it will stick around. So, just do your best around all this...then turn it over to God. Yes?
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